The fastest fiat/digital currency exchange in Hong Kong

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Transferring in

  • Transferring in fiat currency
  • TideBit currently supports purchase of digital currency from HKD and USD. Transfer can be made through either check, wire, or cash to a user’s TideBit account. After successfully making a transfer, the user can check their balance and enjoy all the services provided by our platform.

  • Transferring in digital currency
  • TideBit also supports different digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) transfer to users’ TideBit accounts. At the digital currency transfer screen, users can input their wallet addresses or scan their QR codes and transfer funds to their TideBit account to make transactions.

Transferring out

  • Transferring out fiat currency
  • After users input the transaction amount and their 6-digit Google Authenticator code, users can input any bank name, currency type and account number. With TideBit, users can easily move HKD or USD from their TideBit account to their personal accounts.

  • Transferring out digital currency
  • After binding their TideBit wallet, users can input the transaction amount and their 6-digit Google Authenticator code and move different digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) or Ether (ETH) to their personal wallets. Users can also review all their transfer histories and transaction amounts.
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